Video Games

Main Page | Biography | Dreams | Links | Reiki | Resume | Sample Work | Spiritual | Video Games

Walkthroughs and FAQ's for the Super Nintendo (SNES)

Seiken Densetsu III (Secret of Mana 2)

Ys V: The Sand City Kefin

Game Genie Codes

Nintendo Games

Super Nintendo Games

Video Game Cheat Codes

Nintendo Games

Super Nintendo Games

Rare Items I Have Collected

If you are interested in purchesing any of these items from me plase e-mail me at

Arrangments can be made and you can pay by Check, Money Order or PayPal.

Chrono Trigger Prototype (SNES) - SOLD

Donkey Kong Country Competition Cartridge (SNES) - SOLD

Final Fantasy III Prototype (SNES) - SOLD

Game Boy Test Cartridge (DMG)

Nintendo M82 12 Game System Display (NES) - SOLD

Nintendo NES Test Station (NES) - SOLD

Nintendo World Championships '90 (NES) - SOLD

Nintendo World Class Service Joystick Test Cartridge (NES) - SOLD

Nintendo World Class Service Power Pad Test Cartridge (NES) - SOLD

StarFox Super Weekend Competition Cartridge (SNES)

Virtual Boy System Display (VUE) - SOLD

Main Page | Biography | Dreams | Links | Reiki | Resume | Sample Work | Spiritual | Video Games