Super Nintendo Game Genie Codes
Best of the Best
1. 828D-D409 Infinite special moves
2. DFC3-6D69 1 special move
3. D6C3-6D69 8 special moves
4. BAC3-6F69 No special moves for player 2
*****DON'T USE CODE 5 WITH CODES 2 OR 3*****
5. D4C3-0DAD Player 1 can play with any boxer
6. DCC3-0FDD Less strength
7. DCC3-0F0D Less resistance
8. DCC3-0F6D Less reflexes
9. 74C3-0FDD More strength
10. 74CS-0F0D More resistance
11. 74C3-0F6D More reflexes
12. D68F-AD65 Virtually infinite engery
1. C2B4-D4DD + C2BD-64AD Infinite lives
2. DD6E-6707 Start with 1 ship
3. DF6E-6707 Start with 2 ships
4. D76E-6707 Start with 4 ships
5. D06E-6707 Start with 5 ships
6. D16E-6707 Start with 7 ships
7. DB6E-6707 Start with 10 ships
8. FB6E-6707 Start with 26 ships
9. DF6D-6D07 Start on stage 2
10. D46D-6D07 Start on stage 3
11. D76D-6D07 Start on stage 4
12. D06D-6D07 Start on stage 5
13. C2C7-D7A7 Mars has infinite atomic shields
14. C2C3-DF67 Neptune has infinite hyper bombs
1. 3CBF-0D69 Infinite life points
2. D469-DFD9 Start with 2 life points
3. DD69-DFD9 Start with 0 life points
4. D965-D7DB Badges worth 5
5. 4965-D7DB Badges worth 25
6. 9D65-D7DB Badges worth 50
7. A26F-04D4 Infinite credits
8. 3C60-04D9 Invincibility (Chester blinks)
1. 3C8C-0FA4 Don't take hits from monsters
2. DD89-0404 Start with 1 life
3. D989-0404 Start with 6 lives
4. D689-0404 Start with 9 lives
5. 3C62-D70F Infinite lives
6. 5D89-6D04 Slow timer
7. 4989-6D04 Faster timer
8. 4A84-64D4 Stop timer
9. DF86-0DD4 Start with the dagger
10. D486-0DD4 Start with the shuriken
11. DF88-0F64 1 coin gives 10
1. 1060-D7E6 Start with 100 gold
2. EC60-D7E6 Start with 250 gold
3. 6D60-0F86 Retry current level for no gold
4. DF88-A72D + DF69-0FE6 Retry current level for 1 gold
5. DC88-A72D + DC69-0FE6 Retry current level for 10 gold
6. FB88-A72D + FB69-0FE6 Retry current level for 25 gold
7. 7488-A72D + 7469-0FE6 Retry current level for 50 gold
8. A688-A72D + A669-0FE6 Retry curent level for 200 gold
9. F561-DD86 Start on training level 2
10. FB61-DD86 Start on training level 3
11. F161-DD86 Start on training level 4
12. F261-DD86 Start on training level 5
13. F361-DD86 Start on training level 6
14. FE61-DD86 Start on training level 7
15. 4D61-DD86 Start on training level 8
16. FC61-DD86 Start on training level 9
17. DF61-DD86 Start on real world level 1
18. D461-DD86 Start on real world level 2
19. D761-DD86 Start on real world level 3
20. D061-DD86 Start on real world level 4
21. D961-DD86 Start on goblin underworld level 1
22. D161-DD86 Start on goblin underworld level 2
23. D561-DD86 Start on goblin underworld level 3
24. D661-DD86 Start on goblin underworld level 4
25. D861-DD86 Start on goblin underworld level 5
26. DA61-DD86 Start on cloud world level 1
27. D261-DD86 Start on cloud world level 2
28. D361-DD86 Start on cloud world level 3
29. DE61-DD86 Start on cloud world level 4
30. FD61-DD86 Start on cloud world level 5
31. FF61-DD86 Start on cloud world level 6
32. F461-DD86 Start on cloud world level 7
33. F961-DD86 Start on cloud world level 8
34. 8EA8-642F + 8EAC-6F2F Unlimited men--if you have at least one of that type
35. CBEB-6405 + F0EB-6465 Start with many men
36. 8EBC-6DEC Unlimited spells--must have at least on to use
37. C4EE-6D79 + 7DEE-6D59 + D4EE-6D89 Start with 4 of each type of spell
1. DD30-64DD Allows you to select any world form the conquer screen with the B and X buttons
2. DC6C-6F09 Your population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4
3. F06C-6F09 Your population starts at 20 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4
4. F36C-6F09 Your population starts at 30 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4
5. DC6C-6F69 His population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4
6. F06C-6F69 His population starts at 20 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4
7. F36C-6F69 His population starts at 30 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4
8. DD6C-6D69 You have no supreme commands available for battles 0 thru 4
9. 7E6C-6D09 He has all supreme comands available for battles 0 thru 4
10. DC6C-67A9 Your population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9
11. F06C-67A9 Your population starts at 20 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9
12. F36C-67A9 Your population starts at 30 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9
13. DC68-6DD9 His population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9
14. F068-6DD9 His population starts at 20 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9
15. F368-6DD9 His population starts at 30 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9
16. DD6C-67D9 You have no supreme commands available for battles 5 thru 9
17. 7E6C-67A9 He has all supreme comands available for battles 5 thru 9
18. DC68-6409 Your population starts at 10 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14
19. F068-6409 Your population starts at 20 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14
20. F368-6409 Your population starts at 30 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14
21. DC68-6469 His population starts at 10 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14
22. F068-6469 His population starts at 20 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14
23. F368-6469 His population starts at 30 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14
24. DD68-6F69 You have no supreme commands available for battles 10 thru 14
25. 7E68-6F09 He has all supreme commands available for battles 10 thru 14
1. D76B-D46D Start with 11 lives instead of 3
2. DDA5-6F60 Infinite lives
3. DDAD-ADDF Start with 0 Dynamite Punches
4. D9AD-ADDF Start with 5 Dynamite Punches
5. D5AD-ADDF Start with 7 Dynamite Punches
6. DBAD-ADDF Start with 9 Dynamite Punches
7. C2C3-0464 Infinite Dynamite Punches
8. 7AB9-0DD7 Start with 3/4 energy
9. 46B9-0DD7 Start with 1/2 energy
10. F0B9-0DD7 Start with 1/4 energy
11. 7AB5-A407 Continue with 3/4 energy
12. 46B5-A407 Continue with 1/2 energy
13. F0B5-A407 Continue with 1/4 engery
14. C2A9-04AD Proction against most enemy hits
15. C2C3-0DAD Proction against repeated hits on the head when an enemy is holding you
16. C2AC-A4A4 Infinite credits
17. C2A9-0F6F Super Glove worth nothing
18. DDA4-070F Hambuger worth nothing
19. 9DA4-070F Hambuger restores energy fully
20. DDAF-040F Apple worth nothing
21. 9DAF-040F Apple restores energy fully
22. 33BC-0F0F Start on stage 2
23. CBBC-0D6F + 3CBC-0FDF + 62BC-0F0F + D4BC-0DAF Start on stage 3
24. CBBC-0D6F + 3CBC-0FDF + 62BC-0F0F + D7BC-0DAF Start on stage 4
25. CBBC-0D6F + 3CBC-0FDF + 62BC-0F0F + D0BC-0DAF Start on stage 5
1. 042C-ADD7 Allows you to select EASY mode on the options screen
2. DD66-A7A7 Infinite usage for all special attacks
3. C2AA-0DAF Protection from most enemy attacks
4. C280-0FDD Heart worth nothing
5. F684-0F0D Heart worth more
6. 4684-0F0D Heart worth much more
7. CB62-6767 + D762-67A7 Item is always Search
8. CB62-6767 + DF62-67A7 Item is always Three Way Beam
9. CB62-6767 + D462-67A7 Item is always Bomber
10. CB62-6767 + D062-67A7 Item is always Homing
11. CB62-6767 + D962-67A7 Item is always Heart
12. CB62-6767 + D162-67A7 Item is always Armor
13. 826F-A467 Selecting an item does not remove it from the menu of available items