Drive from Parsons, Kansas to Phoenix, Arizona

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Along the Trail in New Mexico to See the Ice Cave

It was very windy driving through the northern part of Texas. It was so windy it was tiring driving because I constantly had to hold the wheel to the left to counteract the winds blowing from the right. When I entered New Mexico I stopped at the welcome center off of I-40. There I asked the woman at the desk what areas of interest were not too far from I-40. She gave me a brochure for the Ice Cave and Bandera Volcano. That place is located a little to the west of Albuquerque, New Mexico. I made it to about 30 miles east of Albuquerque and stopped at a motel for the night.

The next morning I headed out and went to the Ice Cave. The description from the brochure is as follows:

Situated on the Continental Divide among Ponderosa Pines at an elevation of almost 8,000 ft., this area has been called "the most moon-like expanse of country on Earth." The ancient lava trail leads you to a collapsed lava tube. Inside the Ice Cave, the temperature never rises above 31 degrees F. Here, the natural layers of perpetual ice glisten blue-green in the reflected rays of sunlight.

Kewl Looking Tree Along the Path

Then I visited the Bandera Volcano: The Bandera Crater rose up in volcanic fury some 10,000 years ago. Approximately 1,200 feet across and 800 feet deep, Bandera is on of the finest examples of an erupted volcano in the country, and one of the most accessible. "…where volcanic craters and sinuous lava tubes compare with the lunar landscape."

After walking along the trails there and seeing the sights I continued on my way to Phoenix, Arizona. I stopped at a rest area in Arizona off of I-40. There was a sign saying, "beware of poisonous snakes and insects inhabit this area." Then about ten feet from that sign was a sign saying that this area is for walking your pets.

I finally made it to Jessica's apartment around 4:10 pm.

Bandera Volcano

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